Volunteer Requirements
Study the required training materials posted on this webpage (see the links provided below). Not Completing Any items from the list below will disqualify you as a volunteer applicant, and you will be instructed to re-apply at a later date. Allow yourself enough time to gather all the mandatory immunizations.
You will need Adobe Acrobat to open the following PDFs . For a free copy of this program, please visit Adobe Acrobat website.
Training Materials to Study:
Forms you will be required to complete electronically once Accepted
- Volunteer Agreement and Certification
- Coversheet and Acknowledgement Form
- Abuse Reporting Forms (Elder, Child and Domestic)
- Code of Conduct
- Volunteer Workers Compensation Coverage
- Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Policy
Online Modules that must be completed once Accepted
- HIPAA Privacy and Information Security Training
- CICARE Annual On-Line Training
- Radiation Safety Training
- Safe Patient Handling Training
- Volunteer Services Training
- Unconscious Bias Training
- Diversity Inclusion and Sensitivity Training
- Microaggressions Training
- Cybersecurity Training (Hospitality Services/Administrative)
Medical Requirement
All applicants will be required to upload a medical clearance form. UCLA Health has very specific immunization requirements in order to volunteer. Please review the list below.

Medical Clearance Form
UCLA Students Only- You will need to log into your Ash Patient Portal to request a Volunteer/SRP Clearance letter from UCLA Student Health Ash Center. Instructions for ASHE Clearance Letter (PDF)
Non-UCLA/High School - You must obtain medical clearance by a licensed healthcare provider prior to volunteering. The form is accesible through your volunteer dashboard once you apply to the program.
Please see additional information regarding the requirements as UCLA Health has very specific standards regarding health screenings/immunizations.
1. Tuberculosis (TB) Screening (Please read carefully)
IMPORTANT: TB Skin Tests are not accepted. COVID Vaccines are known to interfere with TB test results, therefore, it is important to receive your TB test prior to the COVID Vaccine.
- If you have always tested NEGATIVE for TB, please provide:
- Medical documentation of a negative QuantiFERON Gold blood test result (also known as t-spot) completed within 3 months of your On-Boarding Appointment.
- NOTE: We are no longer accepting TB Skin Tests.
- If you have previously tested POSITIVE for TB via BLOOD TEST (NOT SKIN Test), please provide:
Documented proof of a positive TB BLOOD TEST RESULT, (also known as QuantiFERON Gold or t-spot)(documentation of positive TB Blood Test from any date will be sufficient)
- Medical documentation of a Chest Radiograph Report (Chest X-Ray) indicating negative TB results within 3 months of your On-Boarding Appointment.
2. Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR)
- Medical documentation of TWO MMR vaccinations
- Medical documentation of ONE BLOOD TITER indicating immunity (positive result) to MMR
NOTE: Disease history of MEASELS, MUMPS, and RUBELLA will NOT be accepted.
3. Varicella (Chickenpox)
- Medical documentation of TWO VARICELLA vaccinations
- Medical documentation of ONE BLOOD TITER indicating immunity (positive result) to VARICELLA
NOTE: Disease history of VARICELLA (CHICKEN POX) will NOT be accepted.
4. Influenza Vaccine (Flu)
- Required annually during flu season (November-April) only. Individuals must either have the most recent flu vaccine or complete the declination in volunteer portal.
- Flu Vaccine is strongly recommended.
5. Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis Vaccine (Tdap)
- Individual must either have documentation of Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis) vaccine received after age 12 and within the past 10 years or complete
6. Hepatitis B Vaccine (Hep B)
- Individual must either demonstrate immunity to Hepatitis B (blood titers) or complete a declination in volunteer portal.
7. COVID-19 Vaccines
- Individuals must either have the most recent COVID vaccine (August 2024) or complete a declination in volunteer portal.
Things to Remember
- Upload Medical Clearance form as soon as possible.
- Complete all online paperwork and training modules.